Dashing Whippets Running Team — Boston Chapter

Whippet Wag: Marathon Edition

Welcome to this marathon edition of our occasional news and events roundup of all things Whippetrelated.


• Marathon weekend is almost upon us and we have a lot of events planned. We’d love to see folks wearing Whippets gear whenever possible to increase our visibility. Stay up to date on the festivities through our Facebook page and our Instagram and Twitter accounts (both @dwrtbos).

• If you’re running the BAA 5k or planning to cheer, RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/dashing-whippets-boston/events/237033903/

• On Sunday we’re hosting a shake-out run to bring together members from our New York and Boston teams. After the run we’ll be grabbing brunch at Stephanie’s on Newbury (though we only have a limited number of spaces for brunch). RSVP and be sure to let us know if you’re in for brunch: https://www.meetup.com/dashing-whippets-boston/events/238752258/

• If you’re running the marathon or planning to cheer, RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/dashing-whippets-boston/events/234477607/

• Regardless of whether or not you’re running on Monday, we hope you’ll join us for our post-race party at Beer Works by North Station. Get more details and RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/dashing-whippets-boston/events/238221295/

• We now have a team discount at Marathon Sports! When shopping tell the folks that work there that you’re a member of the Whippets for 10% off all full-priced merchandise.

• Have an idea for a themed run, a destination run, or anything else fun you think folks on the team would like? Don’t keep it to yourself! Email me at david@dashingwhippets.org


This weekend is obviously dominated by the BAA 5k and the marathon but we’d love to see you at other races too. Most of these races sell out early so if you’re planning to run make sure to register ASAP.

• If you’re doing the Providence Marathon, Half, or 5k, RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/dashing-whippets-boston/events/235450180/

• For the second year in a row, we’re one of the sponsors of the Esplanade 5k. We would love to see you out there representing the team at this fun weeknight race along the Charles. RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/dashing-whippets-boston/events/238880805/

• The BAA 10k is still a couple months away but we’re hoping for a good turnout. RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/dashing-whippets-boston/events/238488425/


We have a limited number of men’s and women’s singlets (all sizes back in stock!) and long sleeved shirts available for $25 each. Please email me if you’re interested and we’ll arrange getting you one at an upcoming workout or race.


• This year the Whippets are sponsoring the Esplanade 5k for the second—you may have seen the races shirts from last year’s races with our logo around town. We’re always looking for races tied to worthy causes so let us know if you’re involved in something you think could be a good fit for the team. We’re also starting to look for sponsors for the team itself. Let us know if you think of any businesses or organizations that might be interested.

DWRT on Strava

The DWRT have adopted Strava as a key community-building platform. Please feel free to join (it’s free) and link your GPS watch or phone, or log and monitor your workouts. You can set any workout as “private,” or you can share your routes and give kudos and comment on our friends’ workouts. Please join the team’s group! The team page can be found here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/DWRTBOS

Happy running!
